The Lucian collection, designed by Kevin Kraemer, is a distinctive outdoor lantern series renowned for its distinct architecture. These lanterns showcase a rich black finish complemented by the use of lightly clear seeded glassware, adding both style and texture to outdoor spaces. This product is backed by a 25 year warranty on corrosion and 5 year warranty on paint defects. Flushmount shown. (3 different size matching wall sconces are available)
Great news! There is currently
34 of this item in stock with our supplier.
Please allow for a minimum of 4-6 weeks for this item to arrive at Chateau’s showroom once you place your order.
Showroom Availability:
2 x E26 bulb base required (bulbs not included)
Black Finish
ETL Listed
Kevin Kraemer Design
Limited lifetime warranty
Room location: outdoor
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